How to Guides

How To Speed Up Your WordPress Website
In an online world where speed can make or break your website, ensuring your WordPress site is optimally fast is crucial. A slow website not only affects user experience but can also negatively im…

How to set up email on iPhone & iPad
This step-by-step guide takes you through the process of setting up a new email account on your iPhone or iPad.
Add Mail Account
Select the settings icon on your home screen
Select Mai…

Forgotten How To Transfer Your Wix Domain Successfully Now
If you have purchased a domain from Wix, you can later transfer it to another domain host.
To transfer your Wix domain away from Wix:
Go to the Domains page.
Click the Show More ic…

How To Create An Amazon Affiliate Marketing Website Now
Affiliate marketing presents a lucrative opportunity to earn passive income by promoting products from Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer. With careful planning and execution, you can…

How To Successfully Master The Epic WordPress Basics Now
Navigating the WordPress Universe
WordPress stands as a cornerstone in the realm of website creation, offering a versatile platform for individuals and businesses alike. Understanding its funda…

How To Actually Optimise & Profit Your WordPress Website
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, having a well-optimized and monetized WordPress website is essential for businesses and individuals looking to succeed online. With the right strategies…

How to Actually Detect Hidden Malware on Your WordPress Website
In the fast-paced world of website management, the security of your WordPress site should always be a top priority. With cyber threats constantly evolving and becoming increasingly sophisticat…

Elevate User Engagement: A Comprehensive Guide to Adding a Chatbot to Your WordPress Website
Creating a chatbot for your WordPress website can greatly enhance user engagement and provide automated assistance to your visitors. Here’s a general guide on how to create a chatbot in WordPress:…
101 Password Protect Your WordPress Admin Directory Option
Use a professional forms plugin that allows you to add a reCAPTCHA and most important the forms plugin (Like WP-Forms) allows you to set as the login and registration.